Expendable Teens


Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm too sexy for this blog!

Well, we've managed to get kicked out of nearly every gig so far on this tour. Sorry to the fans that came out and only got to hear three songs, but since you only paid four bucks in most cases, we don't feel too bad. After all, you've come to expect it!

So, I wanted "B" to put in a killer pin-up in the mini that will be hitting the convention circuit. I wanted it all blood and guts sexy. Instead, this is what he comes up with!

As you know, I am very protective of the TEENS image...mine, on the other hand...if you're stupid enough to want my mug on a lunchbox, so be it. In the spirit of NOT giving the audience want they want, I sent it to print. This was when I had hair!

Which brings me to yet another topic, I've had some Hollywood producers sniffing around the TEENS camp lately. And it seem some idiot wants to make a movie about them. I told 'em that I would only consider it if they set up a meeting to have Joey Pants play me. We'll see...


Artwork ©2006 Havert/Wilkison and The Expendable Teens

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hey, kids!

Lou here...we've resisted the temptation thus far...but, we've decided to make a few pieces of swag available online. For many years we have tried not to succumb to the pressures of the marketplace and distribution. We are not ones to compromise. For those of you that have been with us from the beginning or beyond, you could always count on the fact that the merchandise you purchased or received as a gift had been handled and in some cases mangled by one of us. Some of you own some pretty messed up pieces of history because of it. (For those of you who have those item, we would love to see some pictures...the Teens never knew they would be around long enough to have any sort of history, so they never really took the time to archeive a single piece of swag.)

With the addition of comic creators Nik Havert and B. Wilkison to the extended family of Teens, we wanted to not only share ourselves, but the work of the many artists who have helped shape the lore that is the Expendable Teens, to an ever growing legion of fans.

Our merchandise guarantee...if you receive any Expendable Teens merchandise soiled by sweat, blood, piss, spit or cum, you can rest assured that is is 100% EXPENDABLE TEEN!