Expendable Teens


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Expendable Teen tit-an-@$$

hey, Athena here...

We just did a killer show in Fort Wayne IN last night at the Sunset Hall. We left quite an impression there. At least, I did, when I left a Doc Martin boot sole imprint on a guy's face. He grabbed my boob when I dove into the crowd during Flip's solo on Moldy Mommy Mummy.

After a few shots of Jager, I scribbled down some lyrics:

Put your paws on me, your knees will buckle
Now your tooth's stuck in my knuckle
That's what you get when you cop a feel
An authograph from Doc Martin's heel

Flip and I are going to flesh out the rhythm of it, and Scuz says it's my song to sing.

That's GRRRL POWER, baby!

Lyrics © 2006 Expendable Teens
(Lou made me write this!)

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hey, punks!!!

Lou here.

Scuz smashed up his noise pretty bad practicing his stage diving off the edge of the bathtub. You might think this was a bit dim on his part, but given that at the time there were more people in the bathroom than have attended our gigs as of late and that the bathroom is actually bigger than most of the venues we've played...it sounded like a good idea.

So, recording has been put on hiatus until Scuz regains that nasal quality you've all grown to hate!

In the mean time we are talking to some artist to come up with an album cover suitable for print. Kind of difficult as we are either going to call the ALBUM Show Me Your Pantylines or Raped By a Sea Turtle. We might open this up to a contest...artist choice...more dets to follow.

Got to go clean up the blood...if you don't clean it up within 24 hours it stains the ceiling!