Expendable Teens


Monday, July 02, 2007

We're big in Cumslo, Georgia!

Flip recently had a family emergency in Macon, Georgia where his uncle lives. Before heading home, Flip wanted to see Athens. The Teens played there back in the 80's and even though they all have great memories of the shows (opening for R.E.M.) they never returned after an incident with Scuz, a barrel of tar and a coop full of chickens! Stopping in Gray, GA to refuel, Flip had the distinct pleasure of meeting one Mr. Peter "Nutter" Newton, "Ambassador of the South" and Expendable Teens Fan from Cumslo, GA. "Nutter" comes from a long line of peanut farmers and is earnestly promoting his very own brand of biodiesel peanut oil, "Nutter-Putter" (There's Nuttin' Better!)

Turns out Nutter's grandson turned him onto the band and after a quick call on what might possibly be the last telephone booth in america Nutter's daughter-in-law and grandson were on the scene and presented Flip with one of the most unique bootlegs to date. We give you, the PEANUT EDITION!!!

Not sure if it was given to Flip in this condition or what happened, but aside from the cover there is very little that is unique to this edition which is sad. At first, other than it's origins I had no idea why it would even need an alternate cover and felt, as I still do, that the edition could have gone further to promote it's "nuttiness." If it was up to me I would have altered the comic and done things like replacing The Teens "NO" Logo with the peanut logo, change the dialoque to make Flip allergic to "peanuts" rather than "shellfish", etc...

So, like I said, it took me several passes before I finally saw the single stroke of genius that set this edition apart from all others. Aside from the bootlegging phenomenon itself there are three distinct characteristics that every bootleg seems to have:

1. alternate cover

2. art is omitted/added (often times this occurs on the inside covers and/or pin-up page)

3. another graphic is inserted above Lou's head on page six

Well, two out of three ain't bad. The addition of what appears to be an actual peanut above Lou's head was brilliant and we hope future bootleggers are as creative. We still can't believe that Nutter didn't make the kid put an advertisement for "Nutter-Putter" in the back!

ps...Lou says that if Nutter wants The Teens as the official spokeband of "Nutter-Putter" they're all in! He figures since most promoters pay them peanuts anyway at least Nutter would pay in REAL peanuts!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

10:57 AM  

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